New Post: Alligators Part 3


I love the natural world !  Since I can remember, I’ve been drawing, painting, reading about and friending animals and discovering new plants, habitats and ecosystems. It is such a pleasure to learn about the flora and fauna with which we share this wondrous world.

It is with this in mind that I am writing this blog.  My mission is to bring knowledge and understanding of and compassion for the animals and plants that reside on the land and in the seas.

Several times a month, I’ll concentrate on a different species and share with you some fun facts about the subject, supply ideas on ways you may incorporate it into your home and mention some non-profits that you can check out (should you have the urge to donate time, money or just delve deeper into learning about the species) so you too can spread the word.

Each new topic will come out in installments so you don’t have a big tome to read all at once. Believe me, I know how busy you all are, so I’ll keep it short and sweet.

I look forward to learning a lot and I hope you join me on this journey !

‘Till next time,